lose weight

Safe Steps to Successful Weight Loss

Can you lose weight fast?

You want to shed pounds immediately. And you want to do it safely. But how?

Myths and Facts: The Truth About Losing Weight

Many specialists suggest it’s better to reduce weight gradually. It’s more likely to remain off. If you drop pounds too rapidly, you’ll lose muscle, bone, and water instead of fat, advises the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The academy’s advice is to aim to lose 1-2 pounds each week and avoid fad diets or items that make promises that seem too good to be true. It’s better to base your weight reduction on improvements you can maintain over time.

For quicker results, you’ll need to work with a doctor to make sure that you remain healthy and obtain the nutrients that you need.

Make a weight loss plan.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression “calories in, calories out”—as i in, you only need to burn more calories than you eat and drink.

But it’s not that straightforward, as many individuals can tell you from their personal experience.

Nutrition and exercise are both vital while attempting to reduce weight. Eating fewer calories has a greater immediate effect, but remaining active can help you keep the pounds off. And, of course, exercise offers enormous advantages for your body and mind, whether you’re attempting to lose weight or not.

Your metabolism—how effectively your body transforms calories into fuel—matters, too. If you eliminate too many calories, you are not only short on nutrition; you also slow down your metabolism, making weight reduction extremely tough in the long term.

There are several ways you can safely start reducing your weight without lowering your calories too much. You could:

  • Cut down on portions.
  • Figure out how many calories you receive in a regular day, then pare down a little.
  • Read food labels to determine how many calories are in each serving.
  • Drink extra water so you’re not so hungry.

Whatever approach you employ, you’ll need to prioritize good-for-you foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein. But there’s no one-size-fits-all method for healthy eating. Working with a dietician is an excellent idea, so you should build a plan that fits your individual requirements. And when you establish a healthy weight-reduction strategy, it’s crucial to stick with it. To become healthy and remain that way, the trend needs to continue—not just for a week or protein, but for the long term.

That implies you need one important thing: motivation. What are your motives for wanting to reduce weight and for adhering to the plan? Research reveals that individuals are most likely to keep up weight reduction when they have their own motivations and aren’t merely following a health provider’s suggestion. 

So think about your motivations. Are you at high risk for heart disease or diabetes and determined to prevent it? Do you want to feel better in your clothes? Play more readily with your grandkids? Whatever it is, write it down and place a reminder where you’ll see it every day. 

Studies also suggest you’re more likely to remain motivated if you establish objectives along the way and reward yourself for accomplishing them. 

Weight Loss Support

Many applications can help you monitor your meals. Since you presumably have your smartphone with you all the time, you may utilize it to keep up with your strategy. Or maintain a pen-and-paper food log of what you ate and when.

You’ll also want to have people by your side to help you stay motivated and cheer you on. So urge your family and friends to support your attempts to reduce weight.

You may also want to join a weight loss group where you can chat about how it’s going with folks who can relate. Or chat with someone you know who’s lost weight in a healthy manner. Their support is infectious, in a positive way.

Eating habits for weight loss

At the most fundamental level, food is fuel. It gives you the energy to accomplish things. But relatively few individuals eat merely for that reason. Food is at every social event. And it’s where a lot of us turn when we have a tough day.

You’ll need to know what makes you want to eat when you’re not hungry and have a strategy for such instances. You’ll also want to practice some of the other behaviors shown to promote weight reduction.

Find out what inspires you to eat.

What are your triggers? Do stress, anger, anxiety, or melancholy make you want to eat? Or is eating your major reward when anything wonderful happens?

Try to recognize when those sensations come up, and have a plan ready to do anything other than eating. Could you take a walk? Text a friend?

Reward yourself for making better choices.

Get yourself a bouquet of flowers or indulge in a nightly movie. Just don’t use food as an incentive.

Eat more frequently.

This may sound counterintuitive, but if you eat 5–6 times a day, it might keep hunger at bay. You could distribute your calories evenly across all of those mini-meals or make some greater than others. You will need to arrange portions so that you don’t wind up eating more than you planned for.

Eat more attentively.

Savor your meal. Notice how it smells, tastes, and feels in your mouth. Notice when you start to feel full. Just being conscious of your food in this manner may help you lose weight and make eating more pleasant to boot.

Limit portion sizes.

If you consume a lot of restaurant meals or are accustomed to overflowing platters of food at home, you may be startled to hear what’s considered a portion size by nutritionists. For example, a piece of protein, such as a hamburger patty or chicken breast, should be the size of a deck of cards. A serving of cooked pasta is half a cup. Sticking to moderate quantities like this will help you lose weight. 

Use smaller plates.

One method to make small amounts appear larger is to serve them on smaller plates. Some, but not all, research shows this is a useful weight reduction technique.

Eat more slowly.

Research suggests slow eaters consume fewer calories and are less likely than quick eaters to develop obesity.

Avoid eating late at night.

People who habitually eat late at night are more likely to be fat. Some studies show that eating at night might delay calorie expenditure, increase fat accumulation, and make you feel hungry all day.

Take setbacks with stride.

Weight loss setbacks are natural and anticipated. Even those gradually losing weight frequently reach a plateau after a few months, and just about everyone wanders off their food or activity regimens from time to time. If it occurs, attempt to take a modest step back toward your objectives. Call on your support network for encouragement. And try not to become caught up in negative ideas. 

Diet for Fast Weight Loss

You don’t have to become vegan, gluten-free, or stop any specific food category to lose weight. In fact, you’re more likely to keep the pounds off for good if it’s something you can live with for the long run. Despite the urge for speedy weight reduction, fad diets and regimens that promise quick results aren’t the solution. You are unlikely to continue with them, and they may deprive you of critical nutrients.

But it does make sense to cut drastically down on, or altogether take out, empty calories.

Foods to restrict for weight loss:

Foods with additional sugars. These are the sugars in cookies, cakes, sugar-sweetened beverages, and other goods—not the sugars that occur in fruits, for instance. Sugary meals can offer a lot of calories but little nutrition. Aim to spend less than 10% of your daily calories on added sugars.

Carbs have little nutritional value. You don’t have to avoid carbohydrates, but you can be cautious about your selections. For example, whole grains are better alternatives than highly processed foods since processing eliminates vital elements such as fiber, iron, and B vitamins, though some may be put back, such as in “enriched” bread. Also, search for alternatives that are low on the glycemic index, meaning they are absorbed more slowly and are less likely to elevate your blood sugar.  Low-glycemic foods include green vegetables and most fruits; high-glycemic meals include potatoes and white grains. 

High-calorie beverages. One simple strategy to lose weight rapidly is to eliminate liquid calories such as soda, juice, and alcohol. Replace them with zero-calorie liquids like lemon water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee.

Diet drinks will save you calories compared with sugary beverages. But if you then grab for a cookie or other treat because you’re still hungry or you believe you conserved enough calories for it, that approach backfires.

What to eat for weight loss:

Protein. It’s enjoyable and will help maintain your muscles. There are vegetarian and vegan sources (nuts, beans, and soy are a few), as well as lean meat, chicken, fish, and dairy.

Most Americans receive adequate protein, but they could acquire more from leaner sources. You may already have sufficient in your diet. Your specific protein demands depend on your age, gender, and how active you are.

Good fats. Small quantities of fat might help you feel full and less like you’re on a diet. The healthier selections include those in fish, nuts and seeds, and olive oil. Those contain unsaturated fats—polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats, especially.

Fiber. You can get it from veggies, whole grains, and fruits; any plant food will include fiber. Some have more than others. The top sources are artichokes, green peas, broccoli, lentils, and lima beans. Among fruits, raspberries dominate the list.

Meal substitutes. These drinks, bars, and other goods will manage your calories while you consume them, assuming you don’t make up the calories elsewhere. They’re handy, and they take the guesswork out of dieting. Still, you’ll need to adjust your eating habits to keep the weight off after you stop consuming meal replacements.

Fasting for weight loss

You may assume that fasting is a quick way to lose weight. But all fasts aren’t the same. If you eat or drink nothing for days at a time, that’s a fast. Such protracted fasts may be harmful and do little to modify ordinary eating habits. They aren’t a good weight-loss technique.

But many individuals these days are talking about something else: intermittent fasting. That’s when you pick times of day or days of the week to eat nothing or eat significantly less than normal. In some forms, you only stop eating at night; in others, you eat only during a 6- or 8-hour period each day. Some regimens call for eating regularly on most days but having only one tiny meal a couple of days a week. 

Some modest, short-term studies show intermittent fasting might aid with weight reduction. But there hasn’t been a lot of study on how off-and-on fasting impacts weight or health in the long run.

Regular fasting, of any form, isn’t healthy for people with diabetes, eating disorders, or those who are pregnant or nursing. Even if you aren’t in those categories, you may discover fasting isn’t for you because you suffer headaches, feel grumpy, are short on energy, or become constipated. 

If you decide to fast, drink plenty of water and take a daily multivitamin. Talk to your doctor, particularly if you use drugs that may require changing.


No matter how you kick-start your weight loss, the best way to keep it off is with long-lasting lifestyle changes like a healthy eating plan and physical exercise. If you’re not sure where to start, how many calories to reduce, or how to do it safely, you may want to visit a trained dietitian.

How to Lose Weight Fast FAQs

How does sleep affect weight loss?

Getting too little sleep may have a huge influence on your weight. Research reveals poor sleep might drive you to graze more on meals heavy in fat and carbs and to consume more calories overall. If you sleep too little or have poor-quality sleep, you may find weight reduction a tougher problem.

How can I shed 20 pounds fast?

If your concept of quick weight reduction includes dropping 20 pounds in a week or 20 pounds in a month, you should know that doctors advise that shedding 1 to 2 pounds a week is a more reasonable and sustainable objective. It may take 10 to 20 weeks to shed 20 pounds safely using proven measures, including lowering portion sizes, drinking more water, being more active, and learning to control unhealthy eating cues. 

What’s the quickest method to lose drastic weight? 

Doctors consider losing anything more than 2 pounds a week to be fast weight reduction. In rare situations, such as when someone with obesity is preparing for weight reduction surgery, a doctor may monitor an extremely low-calorie diet. On such a diet, you may consume as little as 800 calories a day, from meal replacement shakes, bars, or other goods, and lose 3 to 5 pounds a week. Most experts don’t suggest this diet for more than 12 weeks, and never without medical supervision.

Many people seeking the fastest method to reduce weight may resort to fad diets promising speedier results. It’s true that you may be able to drop 10 pounds or more in one week by significantly lowering calories, but you’ll lose water and muscle, not fat, and consume so few calories that your body will react with a rush of hunger. You’ll also likely feel weak and weary. You are unlikely to continue with that strategy or keep the weight off. 

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